Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bottled Tea Vs Brewed Tea

Bottled Tea Vs Brewed TeaBottled Tea Vs Brewed Tea

Bottled Tea Vs Brewed TeaBottled Tea Vs Brewed Tea

Bottled Tea Vs Brewed TeaBottled Tea Vs Brewed Tea

Whether it's brewed or bottled, tea in general still remains to be one of the healthiest beverages around and will surely stay that way for The higher antioxidant benefits, the better. Just don't fail to read the label and check the contents of the tea to help you make a better choice. It still contains a certain amount of antioxidants that can be compared to eating fruits and vegetables. If you still could not resist drinking it, continue to do so.

However, don't get too dismayed by quitting to drink bottled tea altogether. So if you want to take full advantage of the health benefits in tea, brewing loose tea leaves is still a better and healthier choice. Moreover, a study suggests that the level of polyphenols in bottled tea is 10 to 100 times lower than the traditional brewed tea. Other bottled teas have also been mixed with fruits and other flavors to give them a fruit-juice appeal to be enjoyed by people of all ages.

This processing contributes to the lowering of the amount of polyphenols and other health elements that are naturally present in unprocessed tea leaves. This is so because most bottled teas have water and high sugar content and some have been processed to preserve and lengthen their expiration date. Although tea in general is known for the presence of polyphenol--a powerful antioxidant that is known to fight the process of aging and kill certain cancers--bottled tea contains lesser amount of it compared to brewed loose tea leaf. The honest and blunt answer is 'no'.