Monday, January 4, 2010

Healthy Holiday Food Choices

Healthy Holiday Food Choices
Healthy Holiday Food Choices

Healthy Holiday Food Choices -- Appetizers

Love appetizers but not all the calories? Choose freely from the relish tray, which traditionally contains a variety of raw veggies, but skip the dip. Or grab a few whole grain crackers minus the cheeses and spreads. Veer away from anything that looks deep fried, but remember that fruit wedges on a toothpick are always a healthy choice.

Healthy Holiday Food Choices -- Drinks

Choose a small glass of the wine as opposed to the eggnog, or sip iced tea or water rather than the sugary punches offered. Love your bubbly? Abide by the one-glass only champagne rule, or drop a lemon wedge into sparkling water.

Healthy Holiday Food Choices -- Main Courses

Turkey and chicken are healthy food choices, as long as you go with the white meat and skip the gravy. Can't resist the stuffing? Don't deprive yourself of something you love. Simply take a small helping and savor every bite. When ham is on board, again, choose a small portion and nibble rather than gobble. You'll be surprised how little it takes to satisfy your taste buds when you practice mindful eating.

If pasta dishes are the main course, again, opt for smaller portions, chew longer, and it will take less to satisfy you.